Saturday, August 30, 2008

Problem #6

This is taken from a game I just played today on Facebook, via the Chess application, which allows you to play correspondence chess games. Before the position arose, my opponent was up a pawn. He played 17. ...d5, and I replied with the tactic 18. Nxd5! Bxd5?! (D) (better was 18. ...exd5!, with many complications but keeping at least the advantage of a pawn).

Can you find White's best reply?

White to move

To see the solution, just highlight the hidden text below. (download PGN)


19. Qxc2! (only move that equalizes) Bxa2?? Much better was 19. ...Bb7, admitting that 18. ...Bxd5 was a mistake, and retreating. Black would have lost back the pawn won earlier; but instead, he walks into a forced mate!

The game continued: 20. Ba6+!! Kd7 (20. ...Kb8 21. Qc6±) 21. Bb5+! Kc8 (21. ...Kd6 21. Qc6#) 22. Qc6 Bd5 (delaying the inevitable) 23. exd5 Kb8 24. Ba6 1-0. Black resigned because he gets mated next move with 25. Qb7#.

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