Thursday, November 30, 2017

Problem #9

The position below was reached after 22. ... e4 in a 90+30 game on lichess (full game is below). Black played e5 to defend against Rd3+. A few people were spectating the game, and one user found, several minutes later, the best move that could have been played in this position. It's such an unexpected move that at first I thought the user was kidding...

[Show solution]

The full game is available here (White missed the best move at move 23):

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

My queen is invisible #3

This is the third installment of this series! Why isn't my queen taken seriously!!! I can do stuff with it.

I played a 2+0 casual game on against a player who I had lost against previously, so I was thrilled to get a shot at revenge. I reached the position below from a Caro–Kann defense, my opponent just played 13. dxc5:

I can't immediately take back the pawn, and my opponent is threatening to play b4 to protect it, so I played 13. ... a5 14. a3 (once again threatening b4) 14. ... a5, preventing b4 once more (or so I thought). My opponent decided to play 15. b4?! anyway:

I took with 15. ... axb3 16. Qxb3, and here in an attempt to regain the pawn I played 16. ... Qa5:

It might look like the b7 pawn is hanging with Qxb7, but then I would have Qxc3+, so the pawn is poisoned. My opponent tried to hold his pawns together by playing 17. Bd4, but this does nothing to protect c4, so I took with 17. ... Bxc5, still having in mind that 18. Bxc5 Qxc5 19. Qxb7 would leave the c3 pawn hanging with check. But just when I thought the b7 pawn was poisoned, my opponent took it with 18. Qxb7?:

This is a blunder a simply loses a piece on d4, since the c3 pawn is pinned to the king by the queen. So I played 18. ... Nxd4 (18. ... Bxd4 19. Qxc6+ loses):

Stockfish recommends for white to give up the piece on d4 and castle kingside. But my opponent, as many of my opponents do, went for the double-rook sweep (or whatever), and played 19. Qxa8+?? Qxa8 0-1. Stockfish does concede that this variation wins back the piece on d4 however.

The game is available in full here:

Monday, November 13, 2017

Taking full advantage of a bad tactic

I reached the dominating position below in a casual 10 3 game on lichess after 20. Nb6 Qa7:

Here my knight on b6 is attacked, but my b2 pawn is also threatened by the bishop on g7. I could try to defend both with, for instance, 21. Nxc8 Rbxc8 22. b3, but I didn't want to give up my knight for the c8 bishop, which has very limited scope right now (it can't develop to b7 because of Rc7 or to f5 because of e4). I also didn't want to give up the control of the c-file. So instead I sacrificed the b2 pawn and played 21. Rc6 (defending the knight, and perhaps preparing Rfc1) 21. ... Bxb2:

I wasn't sure how to best play this position. Of course 22. Rfc1 is not immediately possible. I'm still trying to prevent Black from activating his pieces, and the best way to do this is to prevent Black from developing the c8 bishop, which is also preventing the rooks from being connected. So I played 22. Kh1, so that I can play e3-e4 if Black attempts Bf5 (Bb7 is still not a good idea in view of Rc7). Next I can think of playing Rf2-c2 or even e3-e4-e5. But my opponent tried a bad tactic here, he played 22. ... Ba6?:

The goal of this move was to free his position with 23. Qxa3 Rxb6, exchanging my forward knight for his dark-squared bishop. I successfully took advantage of this mistake, but it turns out there was a slightly better continuation which I had dismissed early on in my calculations. Here I played the simple 23. Nxc8 Bxd6 24. Nxa7, which won a piece (Black continued with 24. ... Ra8 25. Rxd6 Rxa7, though Stockfish recommends 24. ... Rfd8 instead).

But I had a better way to take advantage of 22. ... Ba6. I could simply play 23. Qxa3!, which I had dismissed because of the obvious 23. ... Rxb6, but here White has the move 24. Qc4!:

And Black would have been forced to play 24. ... Rb7 (safeguarding the rook), which loses the bishop after 25. Rxc8. The passed d pawn is ready to be pushed, which would also open up the attack of the f3 bishop onto the b7 rook.

For what it's worth, the difference in Stockfish evaluations between my continuation and the best continuation is about 2 pawns, ~+4.2 vs. ~+6.1.

The full game is available here:

Monday, November 6, 2017

Chess Analytics: Predicting rating from average centipawn loss

I have had the idea of trying to derive a player's rating "empirically", through their play rather than through their results (as is currently done). As a starting point, I thought that it might be possible to approximate a player's rating by looking at their average centipawn loss. The average centipawn loss (aCPL) is the amount by which a chess engine's evaluation of the position changes after each of the player's moves. For example, if the score is about +1.20 before White's move, and White plays a small mistake and the evaluation is +0.30 after White's move, then White's centipawn loss for that move is +1.20 - +0.30 = +0.90; the average centipawn loss is the mean CPL over the course of the game. I thought that perhaps stronger players would have a lower aCPL, such that it would be possible to approximate a player's rating from their aCPL.

The Data

To investigate this question, I downloaded one of the databases available on These databases include all rated games played on lichess for a given period. For the purposes of this exercise, I used a subset of the August 2014 database. From these games, I kept only the ones for which computer analysis was available, so that the engine's evaluation--here, Stockfish--is available after each half-move.

I used Python to transform the file of PGNs into a dataset amenable to statistical analysis. In this dataset, each row is a different game (i.e., a different PGN in the database downloaded on lichess). The figure below shows the first few columns and rows of the dataset:

As you can see, all the meta data for each PGN is kept, and the tags (like "WhiteElo", "Event", etc.) are used as column names. I had to perform operations on the "Moves" column in order to extract the evaluation at each ply. The resulting variables (up to 200 half-moves in this particular dataset) look like this:

Here, I've limited my attention to evaluations ranging from -3 to +3 to avoid getting statistics that are too influenced by extreme scores; any evaluations greater than +3 or less than -3 have been removed (however, the results presented below are very similar whether or not the full range is included, so this is more of a detail at present). From there, I've calculated the difference between each evaluation and the preceding one; half of those differences represents the centipawn loss for the white player, and the other half represents the centipawn loss for the black player. The resulting variables look like this:

Finally, for each game, it is possible to calculate the average centipawn loss for each player by averaging those difference variables across rows, yielding the two aCPL variables:

Descriptive Statistics

Now that the data are ready for analysis, I looked at some descriptive statistics for the variables of interest, the white and black ratings and aCPL. For the final dataset, the average rating for the white players was 1637 (SD = 238), and the average rating for the black players was 1630 (SD = 239). The average aCPL for the white and black players were also very similar, with 0.26 (SD = 0.16) for white and 0.24 (SD = 0.14) for black (again, this is only looking at positions in which the evaluation was between -3.00 and +3.00)

Here's a histogram showing the frequency at which each aCPL is observed in the sample (separated by colors), along with the corresponding kernel density estimation plot:

As can be seen in the second figure, the vast majority of players (with these transformed data) had a relatively low aCPL, below 0.50. This is to be expected, since players with even higher aCPLs would quickly lose almost every game.

Visually, it's also possible to inspect the relationship between aCPL and rating through a scatterplot:

The horror! Even before jumping into the modeling, our guess is that there is not a strong relationship between aCPL and rating! Observations are relatively tightly distributed on the x axis (aCPL) for the full range of the y axis (player rating). In other words, the varying aCPLs are observed at all rating levels in this dataset. Knowing a player's aCPL would not help us much in guessing their rating.

Predicting Rating from aCPL

I tested the relationship between aCPL and player rating more formally through linear regression, predicting the player rating from the player's aCPL, separately for white and black players (it would be possible to include both white and black players simultaneously in the same analysis, but linear regression would not be appropriate here because the scores for both players are closely related within each game, so these two sets of observations are not independent; instead, a good choice here to accommodate the dependency in the data would be a mixed-effects model).

As expected given the graphs above, it is rather difficult to predict a player's rating accurately from their aCPL. Results are slightly different for white and black players, such that it's slightly easier to predict a black's player rating from their aCPL than it is to do the same for a white player (in these data anyway). For white players, the regression coefficient for aCPL was -346 [SE = 34.6, t(1843) = -10.00, p < .001, R² = .05, adj. R² = .05], meaning that we would expect two white players who have a 1-point difference between them in terms of aCPL to have a 346-point difference in terms of rating. The corresponding coefficient for black players was -442 [SE = 37.3, t(1844) = -11.83, p < .001, R² = .07, adj. R² = .07], meaning that we would expect two black who differ by 1 point in terms of aCPL to differ by 442 in terms of rating.

Unfortunately these predictions are not very useful, as indicated by the low R²: between 5-7% of the variation in ratings can be accounted for by variation in aCPL, while the remaining 93-95% of the variation in player ratings remains to be accounted for. I've tried to include higher-order polynomials of aCPL as predictors (2nd and 3rd degree), but as you might have guessed given the scatterplot above, this was not helpful (there simply does not seem to be much of a relationship between aCPL and rating, of any form). So my overall conclusion, stated somewhat crudely: I would not use this model to predict a player's rating after having observed one of their games and analyzed it with Stockfish. The search for a better method continues.

What's Next?

There has to be ways to predict a player's rating from their gameplay, since after all their play is what dictates the outcome of the game. The newer lichess databases provide the player's clocks during the game, so it would be possible to examine whether time taken at each move has an effect on the player's rating (or on the outcome of the game). In this analysis I've also included all games without regard to their time control, but perhaps it would be best to exclude shorter time-control (i.e., bullet) games, as well as games involving players with provisional ratings. As a first step I've also combined information from all moves into one summary statistic, the aCPL, but incorporating move-level information might yield better results. We shall see in a future post.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

My queen is invisible #2

After a long period of queens behaving normally, I have now encountered two more opponents who gave up their queen to recapture a piece that's defended, for no apparent reason. If you recall, I had encountered two opponents in two days who had done exactly the same thing: use their queen to capture a piece as if the piece was hanging, but which was actually defended by my queen. I had therefore concluded that my queen is invisible, as anyone would.

In the first game below (played yesterday), the same scenario occurred: My opponent captured a piece with their queen, which was protected by my own queen. But in the second game (played today), there was a new twist: My opponent used their queen to capture a piece that was defended by my rook and not my queen! So there is nothing left for me to do but to revise my theory. I now think not that my queen is invisible, but perhaps that my opponents think their queen is invisible? Or maybe invincible? But I will need more games to figure this out.

In the meantime, I've added the category Eerie for this post and the earlier post, for the inexplicable phenomena that we encounter in chess.

In the first game (a 1-minute game on, we reached this position after 15. ... h5:

For better or worse, here I decided to play 16. Qb1 to prevent Black from playing the advance d3 (I'm now X-raying that square). My opponent continued his play on the kingside with 16. ... h4, and I responded with 17. g4, preferring to keep things closed where my king is. And then my opponent decided to push his central pawn anyway and played 17. ... d3?:

And after 18. cxd3, my opponent simply played 18. ... Qxd3?? 19. Qxd3.

In the second game (also a 1-minute game on, my opponent just made a mistake with 10. ... Bd6?:

This allows me to win a piece with the simple tactic 11. e5 Bxe5 12. Nxe5 Nxe5 13. Bxe5:

And here, my opponent clicked on his invisible queen (or so we think) and played 13. ... Qxe5?? 14. Rxe5.

Both games are available here: